Saturday, November 23, 2013

Blush for the Holidays

I love Thanksgiving. What's not to love? It is the kickoff to the holidays and it centers around cooking and food. Whoopie! I usually get a severe case of post-Christmas blues on December 26th.  With Thanksgiving, much to my delight, the end only leads to more holiday happiness! Plus, I can finally listen to Christmas music since long ago I vowed to judge anyone that indulges before Turkey Day.

My mom and I are Turkey Day kitchen rock stars. We have the two day cook-a-thon down to a science. I thrive making our renowned recipes, doing dishes to the '80s Pandora station with my siblings and watching Elf while eating leftovers. I also used to hunt for a special outfit for the meal. While this year I am trying to "behave" financially and not buy anything new, it doesn't hurt to pretend! I am drawn to geometric patterns, nude shimmers, and a lot of blush tones for Thanksgiving 2013.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Leader of the Band

Do you ever have a moment where you are listening to a song that you've heard a million times before, but never were truly listening, and suddenly you realize how much the lyrics mirror your life?  I was cleaning out my closet (a favorite pastime of a Type A organized control freak) and was floored by a Dan Fogelberg song that I've grown up with.  Maybe my brain made the connection between the lyrics and my life because time is closing in on two years without Jackson.  Whatever the reason, I think Mr. Fogelberg (who also lost his battle with prostate cancer too young) gave a melody and words to the unique connection I had with my Dad.  While we were/are such a close knit family, I was the only one who elected to follow a similar path to the one he chose thirty years before.

An excerpt from Leader of the Band by Dan Fogelberg:

The leader of the band is tired 
And his eyes are growing old 
But his blood runs through my instrument 
And his song is in my soul 
My life has been a poor attempt 
To imitate the man 
I'm just a living legacy 
To the leader of the band 

My brothers' lives were different 
For they heard another call 
One went to Chicago 
And the other to St. Paul 
And I'm in Colorado 
When I'm not in some hotel 
Living out this life I've chose 
And come to know so well 

I thank you for the music 
And your stories of the road 
I thank you for the freedom 
When it came my time to go 
I thank you for the kindness 
And the times when you got tough 
And, papa, I don't think I 
Said 'I love you' near enough 

I am a living legacy to the leader of the band

I am almost certain that Mr. Fogelberg did not intend for me to equate "my instrument" to my brain, "his song" to finance and accounting, and "to imitate the man" to... well... living, laughing and loving just like him to the best of my abilities.  While Scott did move to Chicago, BJ is definitely not in St. Paul.  And I was in a hotel room in Wooster, Ohio this past week, not Colorado.  I am sure Dan Fogelberg would appreciate; however, how much this song speaks to me now.  Thank you, Dan Fogelberg, for singing a song that makes becoming a CPA just like her Daddy sound WAY COOLER than it actually is.  Could you find Jack and sing Part of the Plan together on September 22nd?  I would greatly appreciate it.

Saturday, August 31, 2013


Attempt at finding balance or just recreating a scene
from Dirty Dancing?
Long time, no talk.

When I get busy or stressed (or busy and stressed), my choice method of survival is to cut out all nonessential activities. Thus, the past couple weeks have been focused on work and work trips. Bye bye blogging. However, I was called out. Recently, a friend of mine, out of the blue, mentioned that I hadn't written a new post in over a month. Busted. The more amazing thing is this person, with whom I have a "pen pal-esque" friendship, went on to persuade me to start writing again because it helps "sort things out". How could someone that I have not seen physically in five years know something was  amiss? I must be wearing my life disarray on my sleeve (and in my texts).

The past few months, I have felt like I am searching for something- yet I have absolutely no idea what. My Internet searches provide just a glimpse of my intense hunt for something, anything, to make this sense of unbalance, upheaval and "on the brink of _?___" subside.
Reunions are good for the soul - see below

Acupuncture, crossfit, gluten free, vegan before six, meditation, bikram yoga, spas in Cleveland, bikes, bed and breakfasts, Barre Method, Physique 57, 10K running plans, Ayurveda coaches, hypnotherapy, aromatherapy, voice lessons, community theater musicals, Cleveland museums, jobs in fashion, Cleveland real estate.

See? All over the place. Do I need a diet change, a job change, a new residence, a new workout routine, a wellness plan, a day away, a new hobby, a creative outlet... WHAT DO I WANT?

The answer is there is no answer. I have no idea what I want. However, I am not fretting like I would have at a younger age. At 27, I have started to identify a pattern. Every five years or so, I flip out. It is emotionally, physically, and spiritually apparent. My typically confident, radiant and put together self becomes soft, emotional, indecisive and whiny. I even look different. I know it sounds weird, but just take my word for it. Last time it happened, I was 22 and studying abroad at Oxford. I started worrying about my worrying (never good) because it made no sense to me.  I was in an amazing place, partaking in a once-in-a-lifetime experience, and yet I was out of sorts. This time, having identified the pattern, I'm just letting it ride and allowing my Internet searches to go wild.

Since this blog is supposed to be me, the renaissance woman, imparting her knowledge (knowing a little about a whole lot), I will share a list of things I have found to help in times like this:

Don't wait five years to play again like we did.
- Old friends: reconnect with people who remind you of who you normally are. They will start to bring her back out. Lucky for me, I recently had a reunion of college friends in Chicago for Cards/Cubs weekend. It was perfect timing and was perfect for my soul. I'm still smiling.

- Do what you did when you were seven: I used to lock myself in my bedroom for hours when I was little and sing and dance around and put on concerts for my pets. So recently, Stella has been getting set lists heavily weighted in divas (Mariah, Celine, Vanessa Williams, Brit Brit, KP). It makes me happy to sing at the top of my lungs.

- Get out of your own head: My brother and Toresil just bought a house. While in Chicago, I helped them pack and move for a day (for everyone who knows the family joke of me somehow always moving Scott, commence laughter now). They thought I was being such a help to them; however, what they don't know is how nice it was to be super busy and focused on other people. All I could think about was the best way to fit boxes in my car, how to wrap wedding champagne flutes so they wouldn't shatter, and the number of boxes could I carry down three flights of stairs without dying.  I also felt so loved being included in such a landmark event of their new lives together. I get to say I was there the day the first box was carried into that house, which I'm sure Toresil has already made into a home. 

Freaking adorable.
I have a few new favorite things I need to share as well as a few things on my radar that I really freaking want, so stay tuned

Do you ever feel off center for no apparent reason at all?

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Sorry for Homewrecking?

Cleveland Sunrises Lead to Self Reflection?
I have a reputation among my friends. If I am out socializing and there is a guy (typically All-American, quick witted and self deprecating) I happen to be intrigued by - he will, without question, have a girlfriend. I will find out eventually (when I find out is typically based on the character of the guy) and curse the sky as I exclaim, "all the good ones are taken!".

I have spent a lot of time attempting to uncover the root cause of why I am attracted to attached men and why (more often than is normal) attached guys are drawn to me. Theories I kicked around in my analytical brain:

- I have a low self esteem/assessment of my self worth and I put out a vibe into the world that being second fiddle is all that I deserve.

- I'm a competitive Type-A personality who loves a challenge.

- I love being on my own and so, sub-consciously, I'm only allowing myself to be pulled to guys who won't result in someone upsetting the order in my life.

- Did I mention I'm competitive?

The Men of My Life (BJ Looks THRILLED... Scott Looks HUNGRY)
The more I thought about these options, the more none of them seemed to make sense. Yes, I am competitive; however, I'm a huge proponent of the "true love" thing and enjoy when couples find each other. Plus, when I find out guys who flirt back have girlfriends I get pissed and feel like I broke the "girl code". 

The whole self worth issue? I just don't see it. Sure, I am a nurturer by nature, which sometimes can result in getting taken advantage of. But that doesn't mean I think I deserve being used. The first three men in my life were/are fantastic. My Dad and brothers most likely instilled in me a sense that I am more awesome than I actually am. They think I'm fun and smart and they are the bestest, so based upon the theories of thermal dynamics, physics and GAAP based accounting, I am all of those things! (I took some liberties in assuming my brothers currently think I'm fun and smart. For the sake of this blog post, it is probably best not to check with them regarding their true thoughts).

Awesome Guys @ Polka Dance With Matching
Fedoras.  See?  Not Trying to Impress is
So then what could it be? What is causing me to be attracted to unavailable dudes? I had an epiphany the other day- I'm not drawn to guys because they have girlfriends... I'm drawn to how guys carry themselves when they have girlfriends. At my age, I have found the dating game to be obnoxious. Men at bars try to find a balance of Mr. Moneybags, Joe Cool, Too Cool For School, and Sir Pompous. I like guys who aren't afraid to take sass as much as they dish out. I would rather have fun dancing like an idiot and laughing too loud than appearing "cool". And I don't care if you think you dress well... Everyone has their own style so can I just be the judge of that myself instead of you telling me?

Guys with girlfriends typically aren't out to impress- they are out to have fun. No large production is run to get attention or promulgate a false image. Therefore, you see the real person, they are relaxed, and a girl's "douche radar" stays quiet all evening. 

I'm better about spotting attached dudes since I know my track record. However, to fix the problem, can all the single guys just turn off the smooth talking sleaze switch to hang out and have fun? I guarantee you my friends and I will be drawn to you and will fall off our chairs when we learn you're single.

Did you ever notice any patterns in your dating life?

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

My First Foray Into "Clean Cosmetics"

At least I've made it to a Tribe game!
I can't believe July is officially half over.  Where is the summer going?  I haven't gone to Cedar Point yet!  The good thing?  PEACHES ARE RIGHT AROUND THE CORNER!  I am pretty sure I am the only 26 year old (not for much longer) young professional who drives to Vermillion, Ohio by herself at least once an August to stock up on peaches.  I have grand plans of pies, crumbles, ice cream and muffins that are typically usurped by the fact that all the peaches are gone by day four.  The only evidence of their existence are the pits in my trashcan and the juices still sticky on my hand (and most likely running down my wrist).  Nom noms.

Starting a month ago, I have been mentioning my desire to veer my entire beauty and self-care routine to "clean" products.  It can be overwhelming both on your psyche and your wallet to switch everything over at once.  Thus, I've been doing it piece by piece.  My first batch was my "face" makeup (i.e. foundation/concealer, blush, powder, highlighter).  Based on the countless blogs and reviews praising RMS Beauty's line of... well... all of the above, I ordered some samples from Spirit Beauty Lounge to determine my "Un" Cover Up shade would be 11 and my Lip2Cheek shade would be Modest.  I rounded out the purchases with the much praised Living Luminizer and "Un" Powder.

For the specific ingredient discussion, the story behind how this exceptionally "clean" brand was born from Rose Marie Swift's amazing head, and the scariness behind the additives that are lurking in your current products and amazingly absent from this line please visit RMS Beauty's website.

The words that come to mind when summarizing these products are dewy (if you want them to be), light, and nurturing.  The coconut oil base of the foundation, blush and highlighter help soothe my skin.  It doesn't feel as if makeup is sitting ON your skin but, rather, the products are being absorbed by your skin.  It sounds very "mumbo jumbo-ish"; however, I can feel my skin being able to breath with these products.  I haven't quite mastered the art of cream blush application; however, I am sure I will only get better with time.  Some days I look healthy and pretty... other days I am sporting the flush of a five mile run in the dead of summer.  Whoops.  The good thing is the highlighter provides some margin for error since it can correct some of the color when I get the blush too close to my nose or eyes.

My one complaint is that since the foundation has such a luminous and light texture, it isn't the greatest at masking my dark under-eye circles (yet is fantastic at hiding little zit marks?  Riddle me that!).  However, the magnitude of my circles (due to my extremely porcelain skin essentially being see-through) is greater than most.  I have ordered samples of a few heavier products from Spirit Beauty Lounge to see if I can add a product exclusively for concealing to the mix.  All in all, I am VERY thrilled with my first attempt into the world of clean beauty.  It does a body good!

In other news, expect more quirkiness (!) from me as my new obsession starts permeating this blog - I am halfway through reading Ayurveda For Dummies and I find it all so fascinating.  My dosha is Pitta, a fiery perfectionist that has a tendency to stress out, speed through life and become envious easily.  Sounds about right.

Who is ready for the best day of the entire year tomorrow?

Monday, July 8, 2013

Mopey Monday

Nothing is worse than a Monday morning after a long holiday weekend.  I delayed going to bed last night because "that made it real". I went to the gorgeous Palace Theater in Playhouse Square last night to catch Book of Mormon with friends. Step 1: hilarious. Step 2: wish it were longer since I could have sat there laughing all night. Step 3: I want to be a chorus singer/dancer in Broadway shows. I'd settle for quirky (!) off Broadway productions. Heck, maybe I'll just start dancing and singing in the street wherever I go and cross my fingers that a bunch of people join in, knowing the words and steps.  That is how it works in ALL my favorite movies.

At least back to work means back to a routine. I ate myself silly this weekend. Homemade popcorn balls, anything grilled, anything carb-related. Nom noms. What started the eating frenzy? Homemade zucchini bread. I had about five medium zucchini from my CSA program and figured turning them into two spicy cinnamon loaves of awesome was my best bet. I ate both loaves within four days. Oops. No joke - I froze a loaf only to thaw it within 36 hours.  Make your own binge worthy bread by following the recipe below.

Katy's Spicy Zucchini Bread

5 medium zucchini - grate or shred in a food processor.  Roll up in baking towers and squeeze out as much water as you can.  Set aside

1.5 AP flour
1.5 wheat flour
1 tsp salt
1 tsp baking soda
1.5 tsp baking powder
3 tsp Saigon cinnamon

Whisk above ingredients together and set aside.

3 large eggs
.75 cup white sugar
.75 cup brown sugar
3 tsp vanilla extract

Whisk together fervently (or put in a mixer with whisk attachment) and beat until pale yellow and fluffy.

1 c. whole milk – whisk into egg mixture.

Gradually stir in dry ingredients into wet until just combined.  Don’t over mix! 

Stir in zucchini and divide between two buttered and floured loaf pans.  Bake at 350 for about 45-50 minutes or until toothpick comes out clean.

My only other recommendation? Plan to give one away!

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Oh Hey, Best Month Ever!

Full time siblings... part time models
It's my birthday month.  I was never one of those girls that decided, at a random age past 21, to suddenly hate her birthday.  I'm going to like my birthday when I turn 30, 50, 70 and 99.  I will still blast the Captain Zoom birthday song and everyone will still be required to dote upon me.  I am finally starting to get back to my happy-go-lucky self.  My brother's wedding was last month and, with it, came a much anticipated and much needed vacation to Northern California.  It was beautiful, magical and all around perfect. The best part of all?  Toresil is now officially my Toresil.  However, with extremely happy events comes the extremely blue and sad let down.  Now what am I supposed to look forward to, get ready for, buy pretty dresses for and plan ridiculous dance moves for?  Sigh, being so drunk on happy sure can bring on a hangover of melancholy.

What has gotten me through the past couple weeks of meh is continuing my hunt of "non-dirty" beauty and skin products.  I already have some favorites.  I also have some on a "Come to Katy" list that I plan to treat myself to once I pay off my rockin' rehearsal dinner dress I bought for last month from Nordies.  For the next few posts, I will share one thing I love and one thing on my wish list.
Can I just say I am a sucker for good packaging?

Thing I Love
May Lindstrom The Clean Dirt cleansing clay & The Problem Solver mask - Can I just say that May Lindstrom is fantastic?  You know that type of person that makes you feel like the only and most important person in the room when they are talking to you?  May accomplishes this via her online presence with her customers.  Her Youth Dew serum, while amazing, seems to just not agree with my skin.  I have read countless reviews from people that dub it a miracle product, but for some reason my weird post Accutane skin doesn't like it.  I e-mailed May my problem and some questions and she responded to me within 24 hours with suggestions on how to better introduce her line to my skin.  I absolutely love her cleanser, which I use about three times a week, and her mask, which I use weekly.  There is something so comforting in her concoctions of basic, pure, and effective ingredients that are made by hand.  Each time I use them, I feel like I have been invited into May's very special circle of friends with whom she chose to share her talent.

Come to Katy

Jiva-Apoha Body Oil - I read about these body oils on Seed to Serum, a clean skincare blog that is a new obsession of mine.  I have been looking for a clean alternative to the various dirty body lotions I have been trying to use up.  After reading the various descriptions of the oils, scents, and the feelings they intend to accentuate, it is readily apparent that most seem to be right in my wheelhouse.  Not only do the Jiva-Apoha oils moisturize with high quality oils from the best ingredients, but the creator is trained in Ayurveda and holistic healing methods. Therefore, each oil has different therapeutic benefits it can bring to its user.  The most exciting option?  Getting a personalized oil speciality made based upon how one responds to a questionnaire.

If summer were a weekend, we are now well into Saturday afternoon... what are you doing to make the most of it?  My to-do list consists of going to a Lake Erie beach, catching a show at Playhouse Square (Book of Mormon, here I come), going to a weekend Tribe game and getting Stoddard's custard.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

More Glow, Please!

Cleveland E. 9th Pier @ Sunrise
I think I'm scaring my Mom. I am a self-proclaimed make-up aficionado who, yesterday, declared that "I think I am going to start trying to be more cognizant of the ingredients in my cosmetics and what I put on my skin..."

Oh boy.

I have always been aware that there is scary stuff in cosmetics. I even read somewhere once that mascara is one of the worst things on the planet you can put near your peepers. However, you are reading the thoughts of a girl who suffered through debilitating acne in high school (from which, I'm pretty sure, my self confidence has never fully recovered). I use products to exude different moods and perceptions, much like I do with clothing. Am I really going to ditch my favorites because they contain scary stuff I can't pronounce? Well, maybe.

Lorain-Carnegie Bridge Guardian
a.k.a. My Boyfriend
I used to fall back on the idea that our skin is a canvas... A barrier between our insides and the outside world. This theory crumbles when one considers medicinal patches such as birth control and nicotine... Obviously something passes through this barrier and is effectively absorbed into the bloodstream. Oh, crap.

There is more science there and probably some arguments for the barrier theory; however, it was enough to get me to start researching kinder skincare and cosmetics. I'll save you all the trouble and just tell you: it is flipping overwhelming. I can't suggest any products yet, because I haven't tried anything. That will be for later posts. What I will say is that a girl who knows nothing about natural beauty products found a diamond in the rough at The Spirit Beauty Lounge website (please Google, some people are weird about linking to their website).
Nothing is better than Ohio grass on

Spirit's website lets you request nine samples of almost any of her products for $25, which includes a coupon off your next purchase (an assumption that you will buy one of the items). All the products I had read reviews on went on my list. I'm super pumped. Most of these products are only sold in specialty brick and mortar locations, so this practically eliminates the risk of the product collecting dust in my make up drawer. Natural cosmetics are a tad more expensive, which makes sense, so this would give me much heartburn than normal.

Have any of you thought about this? Apparently there are documentaries that scare people silly about it. I haven't drummed up the nerve to watch them yet.

PS- Since I haven't bought anything yet, I had no pictures to go with this post. Therefore, these are random pictures from my life the past couple weeks. You're welcome.

Who needs junk food when you have this?  West Side Market
organic heaven.  Swoon.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Brink of Summer

Reassessment, realignment and reinvention is easy
during a gorgeous Sunday sunset over Lake Erie.
At the change of each season, I crave reassessment, realignment and reinvention. I feel the craving approaching as summer gets closer. I am seeking outdoor workouts, organization, light eating, Ayurveda approaches, and kindness. I am drawn to silk fabrics, dusk, my friends, and 1990's music. I would gladly spend my days walking anywhere.

While I can't hone in on and take advantage of all of these feelings (work tends to get in the way), I plan to allow myself to gravitate naturally towards what I appear to be asking for instead of what I think I need to be doing (realignment!). I've been trying to take time out of each day for quiet instead of automatically turning on the television the minute I get home (reassessment!). Lastly, I am trying to embrace some new eating habits and workout schedules (reinvention!).

I, of course, failed to realize my hat made me stick
out like a sore thumb!

I just returned from Toresil's bachelorette party. Fun was had by all. Now I have exactly one month to get myself in order for the big nuptials. Things that help? Bachelorette parties that involve 10k hikes through shin deep mud pits and climbing of retired ski hills.  We dressed up in outlandish outfits and all crossed the finish line together.  Toresil's cheeks must hurt today from smiling for 36 hours straight.

Some things at the forefront of my mind:

- The future Rose's baby gift. Working on it makes me smile as I think about her. She is going to be so rockin', I can't even fathom it.

Kerry - this is the only hint you get.  Stella tried to eat
the yarn tag from the gift supplies.  Shocker. 

- Dry skin brushing. It is changing the look of my legs, I swear. Google it.

- Sleepytime Vanilla Tea by Celestial Seasonings. All these pre-summer cravings make my mind race. This makes my brain shush.

- Kristen Wiig's SNL 1-800-FLOWERS commercial. My brother turned me onto this. If you want a glimpse into the relationship of Sharon and I, please view this clip online. You're welcome.

A classy Toresil party means no yucky appendage-shaped
decorations.  Just purple.  So much purple.
Does anyone else get season changing cravings?

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

A Few Things I'm Excited About

Spring Has Sprung in Cleve!
After busy season ends, there is always this period of a few weeks where the fact that free time is available again takes some major getting used to.  My first instinct to all invitations and suggested outings is "no"; however, then I remember I can have fun again.  I believe this period of reacquainting with my life has thrown off my blogging schedule.  Oh well, no point in feeling guilty about something I choose to do!

For my first blog post in a few weeks, I wanted to share a few things I am very excited about.  Nothing like me finding new products that I decide I need when I really should be saving my monies. I think spring does that to me - reinvention comes with restocking of the closet and beauty cabinet.

Clare Vivier Flat Clutch in Cobalt

My first new obsession is Clare Vivier handbags.  I treated myself to her flat clutch, which has been a staple among celebs for quite some time but appears to just be trickling down to girls like me in Cleveland.  Her goods are handcrafted entirely in L.A. and offers unique monogramming options, which keeps your handbag unique to you and in line with trends.  Her clean and simple designs suit my style to a "T" and I love the soft and buttery feel of the leather.  It took me a good five hours to decide what color to get.  Now I want a foldover clutch, the laptop size clutch, and the (out of my price range) large duffle in navy.  I just want to pack it up and take a trip.  Doesn't matter where... because I just want to pack it.

Dry Texturizer and Foundation Mist

My next new obsession is Oribe hair products.  For those of you that know me know that I try to get away with washing my hair twice a week.  Oribe's dry texturizing spray helps me get there while providing texture and volume options.  Also, the smell is to die for.  Oribe's foundation mist offers heat protection and helps dry hair faster, softer and sleeker.  I am ever on the hunt for ways to make my thin and stringy hair a bit more manageable and pretty... and I think I'm on to something.  Check out the company's website for some "how to" video tips.

Lastly, I am on a sock knitting kick.  I can't get enough of the Madelinetosh hand dyed sock yarn I chose for my first pair.  The colorways from this highly regarded company are mesmorizing.

I had to restart this sock multiple times due to some blunders: forgetting how to work the pattern, attempting to knit drunk and dropping stitches, turbulence on a plane causing me to mess up.  However, I think I'm on a roll now!  I sit at home after work and knit while watching Season 4 of Ally McBeal on Netflix.  Her quirkiness makes my quirkiness appear slightly tame.

Any new obsessions on your end?

Monday, April 15, 2013

Lipstick and Love Stories

I'm pretty cautious with my money. I rarely eat out, I don't take many trips and I seem to over research most purchases. However, every so often when my closet feels bare and I have some events coming up, I will throw caution to the wind and partake in some good old fashion retail therapy. The goal was simply to find an outfit for Toresil's bridal shower in Chicago this weekend. But alas, I found much more... and I refuse to feel guilty about it. All in all, it was a material focused weekend.

This Saturday was the first Saturday I didn't go into the office, thus giving me ample shopping time. My favorite purchase wasn't my bridal shower outfit, my Oribe hair products (stellar, everyone must look into these) or what appears to be the greatest concealer I have come across. I think my favorite purchase was my first step into true womanhood- I bought a REAL lipstick. Tom Ford came out with a line of lipsticks not too long ago and they have been getting rave reviews ever since. The packaging is heavy and high quality. The pigment range is vast but not overwhelming. You just feel luxurious even being at the counter browsing. I will admit- I hate lip color. I feel it is too high maintenance. I love makeup, but I love putting it on at my apartment and then not thinking about it the rest of the night. Who wants to excuse herself to the restroom after every sip of scotch to reapply? Not this girl. However, Tom Ford's formula wears evenly and, without reapplying, I was left with a high pigment lip stain after four hours at a bar. Awesome.

I wrapped up my weekend by wearing my pjs all day Sunday and watching about four movies on Netflix. My fave? Broken English. Quirky (!) and closed off thirty something meets a "fly by the seat of his pants" hot Frenchman who teaches her to lower her philosophical walls? Yummy. I watched it while eating my pancakes this morning. They were also yummy.

Tomorrow is our office "end of busy season" party. I heard the band takes requests. I've been practicing my set list all weekend. Sorry I am not sorry.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Life Crisis Caused MIA

Apartment at Dusk.  Relaxing After
a crazy two weeks.
So I've been M.I.A. I know it, you know it, Stella knows it. I was on my way to an out of town job, blah blah blah. Had to drive on the highways before the snow plows carted away the (hopefully) last winter beating NEOhio got blah blah blah. My 2002 Saturn spun out into a wall on the highway and was totaled blah blah HUH?

Yea, car accident. Awesome. I've never even gotten pulled over, let alone had to sit in a State Trooper's car while we waited for a tow truck to take away the remnants of my "no car payments, fully owned" vehicle. Sigh.

Needless to say, I was too busy frantically researching cars to blog. I found two distinct test drive lists emerging: cars that fit my "I'm a professional that drives to clients and will probably have this car for 10 years" self versus cars matching my "I'm used to not having a car payment and now you expect me to give up a large chunk of money... MONTHLY?" self. I will say that the first part of me beat out the second part just a tad. Nothing like having a single weekend to fit in one's first major adult decision.

2014 Mazda CX-5
Part of me felt like I needed to do this by myself. Maybe I didn't get the best deal or maybe I should have taken a few more options for a test drive. However, for my first car buying experience, I don't think I did too shabby.

Zoom zoom.

Busy season is almost over. I can almost TASTE our April 15th party. I'm pushing for karaoke. I think it'll just be me singing to the jukebox while everyone else is annoyed like every other year. Oh wells...

What was your first major adult decision?

Friday, March 22, 2013

Delayed Crafted Gift Reveal

Engagement Picture vs. Portrait
For the past month and a half, all I wanted to do was blog about the following topic.  However, I had to keep my keys quiet because it needed to be a surprise.  More specifically, it was to be joint birthday surprise for my brother and future (less than three months!) sister-in-law.  Because both birthday’s are in early March, I had to wait to blog until later in the month.

As a side note, I have decided to refer to my future sister-in-law as my ToreSIL.  I haven’t run this past her quite yet, but it distinguishes her from my other sister-in-law when the time comes when I can no longer call her “future sister in law”.  Toresil it is.

A couple of weeks ago, I finally mailed the surprise to my brother and Toresil and they were thrilled.  Hurray.  Commence blogging!  However, it is hard to blog about something when one goes out of town for a week and forgets to save the necessary blog pictures for the post to the laptop that was packed.  Whoops.  Hopefully my weekly post wasn’t missed too much.  Actually, it probably is worse if the missed post went unnoticed because that means no one is reading this but Toresil, my Mom and Kerry at work… and all three of them knew I was out of town.  Sigh.

I think I like Charlie best.
Moving on – the delayed and heavily “built up” surprise reveal:  cross-stitched family portraits!  Cross-stitching is the new knitting – you’ve heard it here first!  Great entrepreneurs sell modern and quirky (!) patterns on Etsy and through various websites.  My favorite has to be Wee Little Stitches on Etsy.  Check the store out.  There also was a “how to” in a Martha Stewart Magazine about a year ago.  I decided to take on the challenge and designed a little pixel brother, Toresil and Charlie the dog.  Since the lovely couple’s nuptuals are right around the corner, I designed them wearing the outfits from their save the date picture.

On its way to Chicago!

The designing of the pattern is what took the longest.  The easiest way is to block out your stitches on graph paper.  I found out that perfecting the hair color and layout is the most important aspect of making the pixel people recognizable.  After the design was solidified, I ran out to JoAnn Fabric’s for embroidery floss (at 10 cents a color, it is such an economical project), an embroidery hoop, and aida cloth.  The design stitched up quickly, which was a requirement for a project tackled during busy season.  I would assess it as a 10-hour project.

Toresil also loves personalized and unique stationary, so I put a picture of the cross-stitch portrait on the front of some postcards.  I like to think they will have this for years to come.  Who says cross-stitch has to be frumpy and old fashioned.  I think I am hooked and plan on making more!

Phew - I'm glad I got that post off my chest.  On a related note, I'm home for the weekend before going back out of town next week.  Stella was pretty peeved at my absence and was wary regarding my return (see below).  Who wants to tell her I'll only be home for two days?
That's it!  I'm raising the drawbridge!
What are some good gifts you have given recently?

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Springtime Sunday

I have mixed emotions about daylight savings time. On one hand, it means spring is just around the bend and the sun won't be setting at 4:30. On the other hand, the lost hour really sucks when your busy season weekend is only 36 hours to start with. Boo.

This year, Cleveland put some salve on the wound of the stolen hour by providing a 60 degree day with blue skies and sunshine.  Everyone was outside soaking in the long awaited vitamin D nourishment in whatever way struck their fancy.  I elected to head south to the Brecksville Reservation and get my hike on.

For those of you unfamiliar with Cleveland or those that are unaware a great perk of Northeastern Ohio living - I am surrounded by the "emerald necklace", which is the Cleveland Metroparks network of parks that encircles the city of Cleveland. Dirt paths, paved paths, bike routes, horseback riding trails, creeks, rivers, hills, valleys, grass fields, so on and so forth.  Whatever a person is in the mood for in order to "get her nature fill", there is a park for that.

After my hour hike, which was accompanied by Bone Thugs-N-Harmony in the ear buds (don't ask, I'm reconnecting with my high school self), I headed to Target to grab a few necessities.  Like all Target trips, these necessities morphed into a basketful of impulse purchases.  It truly isn't my fault this time because no one told me that CBS TV has each season of I Love Lucy on DVD. I had always been tempted by the full series in a box set that cost an arm and a leg, but each time the desire to buy it swelled up, I would quickly quash it.  However, this time there was no need to "be reasonable" because with each individual season on sale, I only had to buy a couple to get a fix!  Seasons one and two ended up in my basket before I even knew it.

 As I sat on my couch eating an early dinner and legitimately laughing out loud by myself to Lucille Ball's antics, I decided these DVDs are to be free from buyer's remorse/guilt.  She was a genius.  Growing up, my favorite part of each summer was Nick at Nite's Block Party Summer marathons.  Did anyone else watch this?  Or was I, at age 7, already foreshadowing my future obsession with all things vintage and classic?  I Love Lucy Tuesdays were my absolute favorite.  As I watch these episodes now, I am transported back to when the sticky July night air would set in, the lightening bugs would come out and my Mom would make us kids come in from playing for dinner.  We would eat around our glass top table on our screened in porch so that my parents could get their share of the summer night after long days at work.  Afterwards, I would take a bath, put on my pajamas, and while my family watched more grown-up (read: boring) sitcoms downstairs I would curl up in my parents' bed to watch Lucy.  Sometimes my Mom would come up to check on me and we would watch together.  She loved Lucille Ball as a little girl, too.

Source: via
I realize now that, as a child, it was lost on me what a female trailblazer Lucille Ball was in 1950's.  For goodness sakes, she was a producer on a show that, since premiering in 1951, has NEVER gone off the air.  Think about that for a second - for the past 62 years some television station somewhere has I Love Lucy in the line up.  She is, posthumously, still kicking business butt in a game people didn't think women had a place in when she joined.  She was classy, yet willing to get her hands (and feet... in grapes...) dirty to get the laugh.  She was beautiful, yet wasn't afraid to compromise that beauty by scrunching up her face awkwardly to portray her signature quirkiness (quirky!).  Did you know she was a model and was one of the final girls in the running to play Scarlett O'Hara in Gone With the Wind?  She embodied everything I strive to be, yet she had to do it when women weren't supposed to strive for such things.  That is why, ever since those Block Party Summer marathons, I have considered Lucille Ball an idol.  Both in business and in character.

I'm going to go back to my I Love Lucy now.  How did you enjoy your Sunday?  What transports you back to age 7?

Friday, March 1, 2013

Friday Pizza Night

I am a creature of habit. I think it is my Type A personality that causes me to find comfort in rituals. A new ritual is busy season Friday pizza nights.

It all started because Friday is the day, especially in busy season, that my fridge is the most bare. After working on Saturday, I run my errands and go grocery shopping. On Fridays, my team works a "normal" 9-10 hour day and when I come home I need a dinner that is quick, easy, and made from ingredients I still have within my hardly stocked kitchen. Pizza night was born.

I found an online pizza dough recipe that only takes about fifteen minutes to rise:

Easy Pizza Dough:
  • 2.5 cups bread flour (or all purpose but add a tad more yeast)
  • One packet of instant yeast (I buy a jar and keep it in my fridge so I always have it)
  • 1 cup of warm water
  • 1 teaspoon sugar
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • Seasonings (optional: I like to add Italian seasonings like oregano and basil)

Stir the yeast and sugar into the water and allow to proof for five minutes (will foam up- if it doesn't, your yeast is dead!). Whisk flour, seasonings and salt together in large bowl. Add olive oil and yeast mixture. Stir until combined. Dump onto floured surface, knead for five to ten minutes, place in an oiled bowl and allow to rise in a warm place for ten to fifteen minutes.

This dough is a fast and perfect base to my Friday pizza. I usually cut the dough into four pieces and freeze three of them. Preheat the oven to 450-500 degrees. I am the proud new owner of a pizza stone and allow it to preheat for about 20 minutes and can bake my pizza directly on it. The thing is awesome and I wish I had bought it sooner. Prior to the pizza stone, I would preheat a cast iron skillet - it makes a perfect personal pan pizza! Bake for 12-15 minutes depending on your bubbliness and crispiness preferences.

I'm so brain dead by Friday, I can't muster the intellectual capacity to get too creative with my Friday pizzas. Usually, it is just a mixing of cheeses and a local Italian restaurant's jarred sauce. I cut it into small pieces and wolf it down while catching up on my DVR. I really should let it cool slightly before eating, but apparently I love burning the roof of my mouth each week, which heals just in time for me to scar it all over again the following Friday.

I justify my weekly pizza nights by saying "at least it's homemade" and "whatever gets me through busy season". Whatever my rationalization is, whenever I fire up my pizza stone and smell melted cheese, I know that I only have 5 hours of work left for the week before my Saturday evening and Sunday of freedom.

Do you have any food rituals?