I am now starting to help run jobs at work, which requires overseeing staff and delegating tasks. I learned early on that leveraging my "Martha Stewartness" can help keep my workers happy, motivated and on my side. Yes, I bribe my teams with treats.
Long hours amps up the stress and brings out the crankiness in all of us. Therefore, one of my favorite bribes is "PMS Mix": everything one could want when it's that time of the month. Well, male or female, young or old, busy season essentially makes all of us auditors have PMS. If the name grosses you out, it can be called "white trash mix" or simply "white chocolate chex mix". This is one of those recipes that is circulating everywhere, but here is what I use from a family friend. Enjoy!
- Cheerios - 3 cups
- Rice Chex - 3 cups
- Corn Chex - 3 cups
- M&M's - 2 cups
- Small pretzels (I like sticks) - 2 cups
- Salted nuts (I use dry roasted peanuts) - 2 cups
- White chocolate - 20 ounces
Combine the cereals, candy, pretzels and nuts. Spread in a thin layer on wax or parchment paper. Melt chocolate over a double boiler (or slowly in microwave in short increments on 50% power) until smooth. Pour melted chocolate over mix and toss to coat. Allow to harden and store in baggies or an airtight container.
I usually buy enough ingredients to use all of the cereal, but I warn you- it makes a LOT of mix. However, my coworkers and I normally don't struggle to finish it all over a work week. I can eat this stuff until I am sick to my stomach and then I eat a bit more. Oh, the joys of busy season.
So, does bribery work on you?
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